
Oral Bacteria: How This Unseen Issue can Cause Problems for Your Teeth

Without good oral care, your teeth are prone to oral bacterial problems that could lead to loss of teeth. #Oral #Bacteria #Dental

6 Benefits of Having a Family Dentist

Family dentistry tackles oral health at every stage of life. Children have different dental needs than adults, and qualified family dentists deliver comprehensive oral care from baby teeth to permanent teeth. Like general dentistry, family dentistry is concerned with oral … Continued

Can Cavities Cause Headache Pain?

Sometimes, cavities or tooth decay can be the cause of headachesr many who are unable to pay for dental insurance, they leave it to a chance of not having a serious disease. However, minor oral diseases can be the cause … Continued

What Causes Teeth Grinding?

What Are The Causes of Teeth Grinding? Teeth grinding, or Bruxism is the term for describing teeth grinding when you are not chewing. The teeth brush against each other with the forward, backward, or sideways movement of the jaw. In … Continued

Types of Floss and Tips for Flossing: Using Proper Technique

Many people spend lots of time going over the different types of floss and tips for flossing, but both are not equally important. When it comes to keeping the spaces between teeth clean and decay free, nothing compares to flossing … Continued

Is Fear of the Dentist All in the Head?

If you have a fear of the dentist, you are not alone. According to the American Dental Association, about 40 percent of people in the U.S. have some form of dental anxiety. About 20 percent of people are so scared … Continued

Your Guide to Oral Hygiene While You Are on Vacation

Vacation Oral Hygiene Cheat Code: VentilationOral hygiene is probably the last thing on your mind when you are planning your vacation. You are likely thinking about warm temperatures, clear skies, refreshing water, sand and fun. However, if you spend too … Continued

What Dentists Want You to Know About Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is fear that is almost as prevalent as the fear of snakes or the fear of heights. About four percent of American adults face the problem. The fear is so strong that there are people who avoid going … Continued

5 Commonly Performed Dental Treatment Procedures

Dental treatments can be used to address pretty much any oral issue you can think of. There is no need to constantly have to worry about what others think about your teeth or deal with the pain and discomfort associated … Continued

Common Denture Problems and Solutions

A denture is a great way to address missing teeth, and it is the most affordable option. However, dentures are not perfect devices. They tend to deal with a familiar set of issues over time. The odds of any issues … Continued